Signing a Message

When a web application has established a connection to the ME wallet, it can prompt users to sign a message. This is commonplace amongst many dApps, as it gives application owners the ability to verify ownership of the wallet. Signing a message does not require any transaction fees.

Sats Connect provides an easy way to request message signing. Let's take a look at the code below.

const connectionStatus = useContext(ConnectionStatusContext);
const nativeSegwitAddress = connectionStatus?.accounts[1]?.address;

async function signWalletMessage() {
  try {
    await signMessage({
      payload: {
        network: {
          type: BitcoinNetworkType.Mainnet,
        address: nativeSegwitAddress,
        message: 'Hello World. Welcome to the Magic Eden wallet!',
      onFinish: (response) => {
        alert(`Successfully signed message: ${response}`);
      onCancel: () => {
        alert('Request canceled');
  } catch (err) {

This piece of code makes use of two import from Sats Connect. BitcoinNetworkType, which is a basic enum to pick the network, and signMessage. The latter takes care of a lot of the core functionality of message signing, leaving us to provide basic parameters.

import { BitcoinNetworkType, signMessage } from 'sats-connect';

A successful prompt to sign a message will look something like this: