JUMP TOMagic Eden APISolana API OverviewSolana API KeyscollectionsGet activities of a collectiongetGet stats of a collectiongetGet attributes of a collectiongetGet collectionsgetGet listings of a collectiongetGet batch listings of a collectionpostGet holder stats of a collectiongetGet wallets rank sorted by volume for one collectiongetlaunchpadGet launchpad collectionsgetmarketplaceGet the top popular collections for a time rangegetmmmMMM Pool PricingGet AMM pools corresponding to an owner or collection symbol. At least one of required collectionSymbol or owner is required!getGet AMM pools grouped by a reference price corresponding to a collection symbol, summing up the total buy side liquidity for each group.getGet best offers for an NFTgetGet instruction to create a poolgetGet instruction to update an existing poolgetGet instruction to deposit an sol payment into a poolgetGet instruction to withdraw sol payment from a poolgetGet instruction to close a pool after all assets and payment have been withdrawngetGet instruction to have a pool fulfill a buygetGet instruction to have a pool fulfill a sellgettokensGet listings for a tokengetGet received offers for a tokengetGet activities for a tokengetGet token metadata by mint addressgetwalletsGet tokens owned by a wallet.getGet info about the wallet owner.getGet activities of a wallet.getGet offers made by a wallet.getGet offers received by a wallet.getGet escrow balance for a wallet.getinstructionsGet instruction to buy (bid)getGet instruction to buy now and transfer nft to another ownergetGet instruction to buy nowgetGet instruction to cancel a buygetGet instruction to change a buy pricegetGet instruction to sell (list)getGet instruction to change a sell pricegetGet instruction to sell now (accept offer)getGet instruction to cancel a sellgetGet instruction to deposit to escrowgetGet instruction to withdraw from escrowgetFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Magic Eden Ordinals APIOrdinals API OverviewOrdinals API KeysBlocksGet block activitiesgetCollectionsGet collectiongetGet collection statsgetGet popular collection statsgetGet collection statisticsgetActivitiesGet activitiesgetGet all activities, not dependent on collectiongetTokensGet tokensgetRare SatsGet ListingsgetGet Rare Sats by AddressgetGet Batch Listing PSBTpostSubmit Batch ListingpostRunesRunes InfoGet rune market infogetGet orders for a specific runegetGet rune utxos by wallet addressgetGet activities for a specific runegetGet Rune activities for a specific wallet addressgetGet Rune balances by wallet addressgetGet Rune collection statsgetRunes ListingGet an unsigned PSBT for creating a rune sell orderpostSubmit a signed PSBT for creating a rune sell orderpostGet an unsigned message for cancelling a rune sell orderpostSubmit a signed message for cancelling a rune sell orderpostRunes SweepingGet an unsigned PSBT for buying a runepostSubmit a signed PSBT for buying a runepostRunes SwapGet available rune quotes with given parameters for the swapgetGet an unsigned PSBT for swapping runespostPost a signed PSBT to broadcast the swapping transactionpostMagic Eden EVM APIEVM API OverviewEVM API KeysCollectionsCollectionsgetTop Selling CollectionsgetUser collectionsgetTokensTokensgetUser TokensgetOrdersAsks (listings)getBids (offers)getActivityUsers activitygetToken activitygetAttributesAll attributesgetCreate Orders (list & bid)Check cross posting statusgetSubmit signed orderspostCreate bids (offers)postCancel orderspostFill Orders (buy & sell)Buy tokens (fill listings)postSell tokens (accept bids)postTERMS OF SERVICEMagic Eden API Terms of ServicePowered byย Get rune utxos by wallet addressget https://api-mainnet.magiceden.dev/v2/ord/btc/runes/utxos/wallet/{address}Get rune utxos by wallet address