EVM API Overview

The Magic Eden EVM APIs are designed to empower developers in creating innovative experiences to gather data for for both Ethereum and Polygon.

We offer these endpoints in the spirit of fostering composability and openness in the web3 space, extending the reach of this data to anyone desiring to build upon it. In return, if you utilize our data, we ask that you adhere to our Terms of Service.

Moreover, we make this API available free of charge and kindly request that you attribute Magic Eden on your website or within your app. When you leverage our API, please consider linking to the Magic Eden marketplace from the NFTs that you showcase, where it's appropriate.

Please be aware that our API is rate-limited and some endpoints are gated by an API key. For more info check out EVM API Keys


  • Mainnet: api-mainnet.magiceden.dev/v3/rtp/{chain} - this uses the Mainnet cluster, the tokens are real and this is consistent with the data seen on our ETH and Polygon marketplaces. Replace the chain path param with either 'ethereum' or 'polygon'